506th IR Realism Unit
Recruiting => Advanced Individual Training => Infantry OSUT => Topic started by: Schram on March 21, 2016, 02:57:00 AM
Advanced Individual Training
Q: What is OSUT and why do we have to take it?
A: One Unit Station Training is the units basic training. This training is a basis that we require all members to have completed. Here you will learn things from how to use the interfaces of the game, how to apply basic medical treatment, how to use your weapons, how to conduct convoy operations all the way to how to conduct urban combat. At the end of the day, no matter what billet you hold, from rifleman to battalion commander, there are basic soldiering skills in the Army that we require all members to have.
Q: I cannot make any of the scheduled times, what happens now?
A: Unfortunately we do not make special classes for anyone. If we made a special class for you, than we have to make a special class for everyone. Our OSUT instructor team tries to schedule classes are different times (weekdays, weekends, earlier in the day for European Players). All we can say is watch the OSUT board, as instructors sometimes switch their times, or new instructors are brought on.
Q: How long does OSUT take to complete?
A: 4, 2-hour days over 2 weeks.
Q: Do I have to take all the days of OSUT, in class, or can I switch classes?
A: No, you do not have to take all 4 days within the same class (the same instructor). We do ask that you refrain from this, as it causes unnecessary hassles. However, if you plan to switch classes do to scheduling issues, we ask that you contact the instructor that you are switching to, so he can expect you. And your former instructor, so he knows not to expect you.
Q: Do I have to take the days of OSUT in order?
A: Yes, all days are sequential and build off the previous days.
Q: How long do I have to complete OSUT
A: Any student who enters OSUT, has 45 days to complete his training and report in to the Battalion or Detachment. Any student who fails to complete his training in 45 days is eligible for Administrative Discharge. A student may request an extension from the AIT Chief, but an extension can be denied. AIT extension only last an additional 45 days from when it is approved by the AIT chief. The 45 day limit will be waived for military service.
Q: I am a medic, what happens after I finish OSUT?
A: If you are a medic, after completing OSUT, you need to report to Combat Medic School (CMS) here (http://www.506thir.net/forums/index.php?board=28.0) and sign up for a class.
Q: I am a medic, why do I have to take the infantryman’s course (OSUT)?
A: While medics are NOT infantrymen, their job requires them to possess a certain amount of skills that are very similar to that of an infantryman, our medics also operate directly alongside our infantrymen. This also allows for easier MOS transferring in the future as you won't have to go back and take OSUT if you want to transfer from medic to infantryman.
Q: I am a combat engineer, why do I have to take the infantryman’s course (OSUT)?
A: While combat engineers are NOT infantrymen, their job requires them to possess a certain amount of skills that are very similar to that of an infantryman, our combat engineers also operate directly alongside our infantrymen. This also allows for easier MOS transferring in the future as you won't have to go back and take OSUT if you want to transfer from combat engineer to infantryman.
Q: I am a pilot (both helicopter and fighter pilot), why do I have to take the infantryman’s course OSUT)?
A: While pilots are NOT infantrymen, their job requires them to have an understanding of what the infantrymen they are supporting, are doing. This also allows for easier MOS transferring in the future as you won't have to go back and take OSUT if you want to transfer from pilot to infantryman.
Q: I am a pilot, what happens after I finish OSUT?
A: If you are a rotatory wing pilot, after completing OSUT, you need to report to Flight School here. (http://www.506thir.net/forums/index.php?topic=6960.0)
Q: I signed up to be a medic, combat engineer, or pilot. I have just completed AIT and my instructor says that there are no open positions for my MOS, what happens now?
A: In your application, you agreed to the statement that if there are no open positions at the time your training finishes, you will either go to reserves (an inactive member) and await a position to open, or you can go infantry until a position does open.
Q: But I was accepted as a medic, combat engineer or pilot. And now you are saying I cannot play as that?
A: No. you just have to be patient. Also understand that we do not reserve positions for anyone. The training pipeline can take 2 weeks at the least. It is unreasonable to reserve a spot in the unit for someone for two weeks without knowing if they will even finish the training.
Q: Who do I contact with questions regarding OSUT
A: You can contact any of the OSUT instructors