A3 boots with every mod except for 506th. I followed the load order from the welcome message video. When pressing PLAY on the client, I get the message:
"Include file
userconfig\cyp_pushtohear_a3\cyp_pushtoheara3_config.hpp not found"
I've completely deleted @506th, extracted my original download of @506th twice, downloaded @506th a second time, but the issue still occurs.
Also a side note, when pressing PLAY on the client with all mods except for @506th, I get the message:
"Addon 'ace_rh_acc_comp' requires addon 'RH_acc'"
but I can click OK and the game still seems to launch fine.
Just hoping to get my game setup properly before having to worry about this during recruit training.
Thanks in advance.
RCT McCabe