Author Topic: General Unit questions  (Read 2527 times)

John Clark

  • Posts: 1
General Unit questions
« on: July 10, 2018, 09:13:21 PM »
A few questions, in no particular order.

1.   Training and operation dates and times
        Maybe i missed it but i did not see any information on the dates and times of Trainings and operations.

2.   Formality
        Are there any rules regarding Saluting officers and/or saying "Sir" when speaking to them? if so does this rule apply only to officers or anyone of higher relative rank? Do these rules (if there are any) also apply to communications
        out of game?

3.   Gear restrictions?
        I assume Uniform, Vest, and Primary weapon are pretty locked down, Is there flexibility in which Backpack, Weapon Sight, and Secondary weapons i can use? 
4.   Rules?
        The only rule i could find on the forums was about not talking about FPS and Ping during OPs. What are the other rules?
5.   Unit structure
        I read somewhere on here that there are air mobile and Light infantry units. I assume these are divided by platoon, Which platoons are Air Mobile and which are Light Infantry?
        Also is Light Infantry classified as Footmobile only or can these units also be mounted into Vehicles such as HMMVs and MRAPs?
6.   Activity of members
        I Looked in the roster and i counted more than a hundred players in infantry, which is fantastic. Are all the players in the roster active? How many weeks of inactivity does it take for a player to be removed from the

7.     Training
What are unit trainings like?

MSG J. Brewer

  • 11Z Infantry Senior Sergeant
  • Combat Element
  • Posts: 1909
Re: General Unit questions
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2018, 09:17:06 PM »
Mr Clark,

Given the number of questions you have and the detailed explanation needed for some of them, I would recommend joining the unit TeamSpeak and speaking to one of our recruiters or myself.

1SG J. Brewer
First Sergeant, Co A\1-506 Infantry
S-3 Chief
Reserve Platoon, 1-506 Infantry

SSG (Ret) Madsen

  • 11B Infantryman
  • Retired
  • Posts: 552
Re: General Unit questions
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2018, 09:24:03 AM »
fully agree with Top's suggestion about getting on TS. Quick answers through.

1. Trainings are very individual between squads and platoons. Operations are every other saturday and every sunday 2000 EDT.

2. If you are ingame proper military decorum is expected, if you hop on Teamspeak tuesday morning and speak to someone about how your dog are sick, you can be casual.

3. Yes, there are gear restrictions. There are some modification allowed, scope, specific version of some rifles, amount of bandages and magazines and such. But it is not a free-for-all

4. Someone will send you a copy of the rules when you join, i dont have them on hand right now.

5. That is incorrect. we are airborne, which means we are light infantry. Air mobile refers to the fact that we are transported around by helicopters (at times) if you found that terms on our websites atleast, as it have a other non-related to us meaning as well. Light infantry also uses Mraps and other very simliar vehicles. No IFV's or APC's or the like however.

6. if they are in the roster under squads, then yes they are active, of course, it is not exected that anyone have a 100% attendency, but without knowing the numbers at the top of my head, a 80% or more is probably what 99% of the members have.
For the last part of the question it depends on the individual situation. we do have a LoA system where you can announce vacation times and such, and if you know you cant attend for a couple of months you can go to our reserve platoon and rejoin a active squad when you get back.

7. Training varies depending on squads and what is trained. I cant really comment.