So I downloaded the updates and was playing just fine on public server. I don’t know if this will happen on an official server as I am not sure if there is one where I can test it plus it requires another person. Bringing up the personal ACE menu works fine. However when I try to interact with another team member the game minimizes out to Windows desktop. If I get lucky and it doesn’t exit nothing works. I can’t bandage anyone. I have tried reboots, unloading and reloading the mods, etc. to no avail.
I am not finding much on the web other than a user mentioned deleting my character profile. Not knowing what is under the covers for Arma this could really backfire on me.
I am signed up for OSUT this weekend so I really need to resolve this tomorrow. I am free all day so I can get into game and work on it. Any help appreciated
Thank you.
Oh and big shout out to all the gang on public it’s helping me a ton and also very fun.