Author Topic: What's next?  (Read 5426 times)


  • Posts: 9
What's next?
« on: February 18, 2015, 12:45:28 PM »
Sorry if this was answered during last night's training (in fact I'm sure it ws but my Teamspeak was cutting out every other word some of the time). After Phase 1 recruit training, what should I be doing next? I heard something about OSUT and being a part of Brawler platoon which sounded right up my alley actually. Anyway, I don't see anything to sign up for, so I'm assuming that I should be waiting for someone to contact me? Again sorry for making you repeat information.. I just couldn't hear you the 1st time.  :-[

CPT (Ret) Whitby

  • 11A Infantry Officer
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Re: What's next?
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2015, 12:53:37 PM »
All that was said was to allow up to 72 hours for S-1 to process the recruit reports. Once they have been processed you will then get access to Phase II training in which you sign up for OSUT. Once you complete OSUT you can request Brawler.

Hope that clears it up.


  • Posts: 9
Re: What's next?
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2015, 01:00:32 PM »
Yes sir it does. I appreciate the reply. can't wait to get this going. So is Brawler the Bradley group? I was actually Bradley certified in the Army, but then spent the rest of my time as a 50cal gunner in Humvee platoons.  :'(

D. Brown

  • Posts: 182
Re: What's next?
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2015, 01:08:53 PM »
Yep, Brawler is the callsign for our Bradleys. Hope you have a good time here in the 506th!