Author Topic: News Article - Moldova Breaks Free  (Read 154 times)

1LT J. N. Lee

  • 11A Infantry Officer
  • Combat Element
  • Posts: 1582
News Article - Moldova Breaks Free
« on: September 03, 2024, 10:01:18 PM »

Text version:


September 3rd, 2024

Moldova Breaks Free

In good news from our homeland in Moldova, the imperial capitalistic forces of evil have been routed. With many hundreds of American mercenaries killed and captured, our brothers and sisters in Korsac and Zimnitrita have won a great victory. Thousands of civilians have lined the streets of NISCOVA, ROSTOK, CZERO, and NIZHNEGORSK celebrating their emancipation from the western devils.

In a statement over freedom radio today the elected governor of the region, future president of Moldova and hero of the people, Vladislav Bulat has declared victory over the invaders saying that the rightly elected and true government of Korsac and Zimnitritahas once again is in power. Bulat went on to thank the Russian president for his support and steadfast loyalty towards the people of Korsac and Zimnitrita.

Russian military observers have described the movement of American mercenaries as a rout. With many US soldiers throwing their weapons and equipment to the ground in the face of the advancing forces of freedom.

In a press statement from the office of the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin has honoured the courage and determination of those that have fought against the Moldovan government forces and their western puppets. He stated that the victory has demonstrated that good shall always prevail over those that chose to invade peace loving countries. In a highly impassioned statement the president further warned Moldova, Romania and the European Union as well as the United States, that Russia stands alongside those countries that choose not to hide behind the aprons of capitalist ideologies.

Official releases from the Kremlin have indicated that the Russian President will visit the newly liberated region of Korsac and Zimnitrita in the coming weeks to personally steer the reconstruction and repatriation efforts. It is highly anticipated that the president will use this opportunity to announce that  Vladislav Bulat will be awarded the Hero of Russia Medal - (Герой Российской Федерации, IPA).

Written By: SFC Lowe
Reviewed and Edited By: 1LT Jae Lee

The entirety of this document represents fictional works of the 506th Infantry Regiment Realism Unit, S-2 Intelligence Shop, developed for use within the Arma 3 and Arma Reforger military simulation video games, and exists purely for entertainment and educational purposes only. The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.
Platoon Leader, Co A\1-506 Infantry