Operation/Patrol Time:
0400 Charlie (UTC+3), 02DEC24
Weather/Forecast Information:
Current temp: 47 degrees F, height of day at 57 degrees by 1600. Almost no wind.
Lighting/Visibility Factors:
Bright and clear day, with minimal cloud coverage.
Notice to Air Missions (NOTAMs) & Aviation Advisory Information
The Sons of Al-Karbouli, hereby abbreviated to SoAK, have not been identified to possess any real ground-to-air capabilities. However, their mechanized assets, such as BMP-2s and BMP-3s, can still very much pose a threat to our low-flying rotary aircraft. Aviation is thus advised to maintain a healthy distance (~2km) until a target is identified, approach contested areas of the AO at their own discretion, and to keep in mind lines of sight around tall terrain features or buildings.
Theater/Strategic-level News & Intelligence Updates, Activity, and Analysis
The civil war across the Al Anbar Governorate has kicked off in earnest, with Ramadi and Fallujah being the most active areas, seeing constant fighting between the OPFOR and various INDFORs (People's Militia Force, local police, and other unidentified groups). While the presence of the US Army via the deployment of the 101st Abn has settled a small portion of the region, the possibility of these forces coming to a temporary cease fire to fight against BLUFOR is a strong possibility, as was the case in our previous deployments across the Middle East.
All personnel must exercise caution when operating near civilian presence, and minimize civilian casualties to the best of their ability. Experience tells us that conducting COIN against an adversarial civilian population is the worst outcome possible, and may quickly lead to the failure of this deployment.
Local/Tactical-level News & Intelligence Updates, Activity, and Analysis
Stalker 1 and Havoc 3 have seized a major cash and gold stash from the SoAK located at the FUEL FACTORY to the North-East of Ramadi. While S-2 is working on tracking this funding backwards to its source, it does speak to the SoAK's ability to continuously support its troops with equipment, supplies and reinforcements by hiring INDFOR mercenaries.
Special Info/Patrol Objective-specific Intelligence
AIRBASE REDFORD, like many other military installations in the Al-Anbar Province, was an old US military base that has been abandoned since our withdrawal from Iraq in 2021. Since being occupied by the SoAK, we've confirmed the presence of mechanized, armored and possibly rotary assets, though we haven't been able to confirm the models of their helicopters nor their munitions, if any. Since our raid of the FUEL FACTORY to the South, large groups of OPFOR has been spotted moving out of the AIRBASE and towards the FACTORY, likely to form up for a counter-attack. As such, AIRBASE REDFORD won't be hosting as large of a garrison, though the compound will still be heavily fortified.