New Recruit Processed by SFC Lowe
Applicant Name -
John Marston Peter Puliz
Applicant Display Name - RCT. Puliz
Applicant Discord Name - m1sterv1sual
Applicant Discord ID - 493142712116051978
Applicant Website Profile -;area=summary;u=20330Applicant Platform - Steam
Applicant Steam ID - 76561198043392230
Desired Billet - 11B Rifleman (GN)
Recruits AnswersHow long have you been playing Arma?150 Hours
How did you hear about the 506th?Why do you want to join the 506th? -
How did you hear about us? -
Friend sent me link
Why do you want to join the 506th?I want experience of milsim and play game in serious manner. I expect communication, team work and winning