Author Topic: Crash in Arma after slotting up? Check here.  (Read 4250 times)


  • Posts: 326
Crash in Arma after slotting up? Check here.
« on: May 31, 2015, 06:19:29 AM »
With the new addon package and two 'optional' pbos (ace_noidle.pbo and ace_goggles.pbo), some workarounds have to be accomplished depending on the server you are connecting to.  These are my observations and do not reflect the policy or the procedures of the unit.

1) Official Servers - When connecting to official servers, there are two "optional" pbos which cause issues if they are missing from your @ACE mod folder.  ace_goggles.pbo and ace_noidle.pbo.  Currently, they are listed under the optional folder, but must be moved into the addon folder in order to allow players to ready up.  Failure to do so will result in an immediate Arma dump to desktop once you've selected your slot and attempt to load into the map.  Remedy includes moving the associated pbos to @ACE\addons and then reconnecting to the server.  If those two optional pbos are in your addons folder already, then remove them and try again.

2) UnOfficial Servers - Unofficial servers will vary depending on mileage.  Some of the servers and templates have the @ACE with neither of the optional pbos, connecting (when the optionals are enabled) will create a pbo error .RPT and then dump you out.  Either way, it is strict depending on the server you are connecting to.  When you first select the server in your Multiplayer server list, check the server mod list and look to see that all server mods are coded green.  If so, then connect.  If you connect, slot up, and then dump out once you ready up, then it's a pbo issue and you will need to check whether or not you have the optional ACE pbos.  If you do, then remove them and restart.  If not, then add them and restart.

If these don't apply to you, then get on the Teamspeak and talk to a member who may be willing to help you troubleshoot.  There are many of us out there.  See you out in the field!

-Air Assault!
« Last Edit: May 31, 2015, 02:13:35 PM by PV2 Hopp »