I've been trying to track this down, but I can not find anything. After installing the mods, loading them in and starting the game, at the main menu screen at the bottom right, I get these error messages:
ace requires ace_compat rhs_afrf@compat_rhs_afrf3@version[3,7,0,6] (or higher) you have none
ace requires ace_compat rhs_afrf@compat_rhs_usf@version[3,7,0,6] (or higher) you have none
I checked in the ace file and the .pbo for both are there. I followed the video and is seems every other mod is working fine. Even got TeamSpeak3 to work. I have attempted to re-download and reinstall the mods twice and still this problem persists. Anyone know where the problem is?
RCT. Mason