Author Topic: Question Regarding Dual Clanning  (Read 2486 times)


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Question Regarding Dual Clanning
« on: August 24, 2017, 10:22:54 AM »
I saw that there is a rule regarding Dual Clanning/Multi-Units, but I was wondering if that only covered "hardcore" milsim units or units that have mandatory OP/training?

I ask because I am currently part of 2 other units, however, they would both be considered casual milsim as they have no mandatory events, no rules regarding other clans or even a enforced chain of command(SL/TL are volunteer basis per op). I really enjoy playing with these units as they have some great guys in them and would prefer to not leave them, I mean even the Arma 3 launcher enables a person to easily be a part of multiple units.

If I were to join up, neither units activities would interfere with my participation in 506th events or training.

1LT J. N. Lee

  • 11A Infantry Officer
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Re: Question Regarding Dual Clanning
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2017, 03:27:05 PM »
I am quite sure the official word is no matter what type of clan/unit it is you're already in, the 506th still practices a zero tolerance policy.

I should at least give you my thoughts on the matter, and why I think the policy makes sense though. Once you are signed up with the unit you'll have to start downloading and configuring more than 10 GB worth of custom modding, made by our own 506th modders, which means no auto updating from steam for one. Also, command may sometimes require the entire unit to roll-back (reverse-update) a new mandatory update from Bohemia if it interferes with our modlist in a way that would require our modders more than a day of fixing, or if it is simply too buggy for regular unit activity, etc.

Speaking of activity, once your application has been accepted, fingers crossed, you'll have to immediately begin enrolling in Recruit Training, and then One Station Unit Training right after. Altogether they would be 5 days, around 1-2 hours each, though there is some flexibility with the schedule since you have a few options as to which day of the week you would be available.

Once you've graduated from both these classes, and assuming your chosen MOS is 11B, you'll be assigned to a platoon, a squad, and then a fire team, in that order, depending on your schedule once again, though this time it's more likely for your choice to be denied depending on the needs of the unit (e.g. you're free all day Saturday which would mostly fit both Havoc 1 and Havoc 3, but HQ decided Havoc 1 is more in need of men than Havoc 3 - your initial choice).

Once you have reported into your fire team, you'll be briefed on what is expected of you, as well as the schedule. In the interest of brevity that which I have utterly failed so far I will omit the expectations part. There are 7 'events' that you are expected to show up for every month: 4 squad trainings (once per week), 2 operations/field training excercises (ops when we're deployed and vice versa, biweekly), and 1 platoon training. Most squads has a 3-strikes basis, aka 3 absences in a row without adequate excuses and/or without notice means you'll be put in reserves, from where you'll have to reapply for platoon>squad>fire team all over again.

There are also unofficial ops that are basically Zeus scenarios or 506th's members' servers that range from multi-mission campaigns complete with storylines and logistics (maps, UAV intel, enemy troop movements between each mission in reaction to you, etc) that you can sign up for via the forum, to dynamic missions much similar to a public server environment, but with much less incompetent suppressor-hogging, camo-wearing, all-purpose-AT/AA-using and immersion-breaking... People around, since all servers affiliated with the unit are password-protected.

Of course there are also inactivity penalties: I'm not sure on the specifics, but anywhere from 30-45 days of inactivity can result in you being transferred to reserves or discharged completely, depending on how far you're up the ranks. This period of inactivity also takes into account simply being online in the forums or the teamspeak server, however, provided you have given leave of absence beforehand (this paragraph was a bit badly written in my part, if there's anything you don't understand PM me).

All in all, I'd say that signing up with us is going to be quite the commitment, after which I really don't think you will have the time (not the desire, in my opinion) to be involved with any other units besides the 506th. My apologies for the essay, got quite out of hand as you can see, but I fully believe that once you've gotten over the intimidation you'll never find a better gaming community on the planet, and that's me speaking after I've had to transfer myself to reserves for more than 3 months now due to moving halfway across the globe.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2017, 03:57:56 PM by PFC J. N. Lee »
Platoon Leader, Co A\1-506 Infantry

MSG J. Brewer

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Re: Question Regarding Dual Clanning
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2017, 03:40:26 PM »
No member of the unit is allowed to be in another modern ArmA III realism unit. This constitutes as an group of people using modern military uniforms, weapons, structure, and defines itself as a unit. A group of friends who get together once a week to play a mission, is not a realism unit. If they recruit, have a command structure and so on, they are then a unit.

Should you have any other questions, you're welcome to contact a member of our recruiting staff here:
Reserve Platoon, 1-506 Infantry