Author Topic: Early Morning Recruit Training?  (Read 2861 times)


  • Posts: 3
Early Morning Recruit Training?
« on: September 09, 2017, 10:48:41 PM »
Greetings gents,

So, I came into teamspeak, spoke with a few individuals & learned about the unit. Decided to apply. I've also come to find out that I can not under any circumstance participate in official unit events/operations without completing IET or what have you. This is no issue, per se - but I work on average around 50 hour workweeks. I get one day out of seven off, and it does not seem to correlate with the training times.

I'm not trying to be a special snowflake, fuck that shit if anything - but I went through 16 weeks of IET/OSUT stuff in the real world. I'm not retarded, shot well, know my WTBDs - why can I not partake in any missions? After a long day at work, since I don't have a fiance to come home to, I just want to play some realism/video games. With that in mind, are there any unannounced early morning training times I can attend?


1LT (Ret) Burke

  • 11A Infantry Officer
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Re: Early Morning Recruit Training?
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2017, 03:46:12 AM »
Recruit training is as much about making sure that you are technically able to play Arma 3 with the mods and standard loadouts that we use as it is about field training.  We do cover some basic information in recruit training (that you will be intimately familiar with given your real world experience) but until we are sure that your mods are all squared away and you have correct and SOP compliant loadouts set up and ready to go then you can't really join in the fun. 

Recruit training usually takes a couple of hours but once you have completed it you will be able to jump in on fun ops and trainings but completing recruit training is the only way that we can be sure that you are ready to roll and are compliant with all of the things that we need everyone in the unit to have set up.  For example, if you wanted to hop in and take a rifleman role in a fireteam on a squad training, no one wants to have to tell you what gear to grab, how much ammo, which accessories are allowed, how many bandages etc.  Once you've completed recruit training you'll already have all of that set up and saved so you'll be able to just jump in, load your loadout and get into it.

As for the recruit training times, the training times are set by each individual instructor.  The earliest classes we currently have are Sundays @1300EST or Saturday @1500EST as listed in the PHASE I: Recruit Training subforum here:

Once your application has been processed and accepted you will received a "Welcome Aboard" message that contains all of the information you'll need to have set up before recruit training (mods, profiles, TeamSpeak, etc).
« Last Edit: September 10, 2017, 03:47:51 AM by SFC Burke »


  • Posts: 3
Re: Early Morning Recruit Training?
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2017, 02:14:11 PM »
Tracking that much, yeah - but I'm typically 2nd/3rd shift, so anything afternoon is typically out of the equation. I don't mind the trainings at all - it's a matter of timehacks. I'm sure no one would want to be IET for a month straight and be prohibited from participating in an official capacity, so I'm trying to discover potential ETPs(as they exist in real memorandum), or work arounds to the scheduling discrepancy. Again, I like what I see so far and everything seems to be squared away, I just want to be in on the action.