I recently did a fresh install of my OS, and all things on my PC. Clean slate because A: It's a gaming rig so why not start fresh periodically and B: I had a bad graphics driver that was overlooked and fixed upon a re-install of everything.
Since then I have re-downloaded Arma, and re-installed all my mods in the same way that I had done before. Everything works as normal except one thing, loadouts.
I can save and load certain things. My flight loadout has no issues, but something as simple as the base 506th loadout, the rifleman or teamleader loadout do not give me the ability to load them once they are saved.
There are no radios or anything in these loadouts aside from what is dictated in the OSUT document, yet they are all grey and do not let me press load in the corner like some grey loadouts used to.
Any assistance with this issue is appreciated, I am willing to re-install any mods necessary.
WO1 Bowman