Author Topic: Public Server Players - Next Desired Map?  (Read 3964 times)

SSG M. Jaeger

  • 18C Special Forces Engineer Sergeant
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  • Posts: 1165
Public Server Players - Next Desired Map?
« on: June 11, 2021, 08:41:59 AM »
FYI: The Liberation templates listed in the poll are those already planned to be cleaned, de-bugged and/or revised for better play.  You're #1 choice will help us prioritize the next desired map to be ready, ideally, when the current op (Chernarus Autumn) is complete.  If there's a template you don't see listed, we are likely still trying to work out difficult bugs.

Whenever we switch to a new map, we'll set it as the default so that you can just load right into it rather than having to go through the map switching process each time you login.

Please note:  You can ALWAYS toggle to different available templates on your own.  If you don't know how, see

Thanks for your input! 

CPL M. Jaeger
S-4 Mods/Public Servers

« Last Edit: June 11, 2021, 08:43:36 AM by CPL M. Jaeger »
Engineer Sergeant, ODA 5221, Co B\2-5th SFG

SSG M. Jaeger

  • 18C Special Forces Engineer Sergeant
  • Combat Element
  • Posts: 1165
Re: Public Server Players - Next Desired Map?
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2021, 09:47:42 AM »
FYI...please keep the responses coming! I'm working on repairing the bugs on the recently uploaded Suhrani Liberation template and should have that done ASAP.

CPL M. Jaeger
S4 Mods/Public Servers
Engineer Sergeant, ODA 5221, Co B\2-5th SFG

SSG M. Jaeger

  • 18C Special Forces Engineer Sergeant
  • Combat Element
  • Posts: 1165
Sahrani is the current Public Server Mission
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2021, 11:55:02 AM »
Thanks for everyone's feedback.  The group clearly chose Sahrani as the next default mission.  (We will set it as the default map shortly.)  Regarding the medical/engineer permission bugs, we have the fixes complete and should update Sahrani v1.1 shortly -- without any losses to your progress (fingers crossed).

I will reset the poll.  Please vote for what you think you might want to see next after Sahrani.

Thanks again!
CPL M. Jaeger
S4 Mods/Public Servers
Engineer Sergeant, ODA 5221, Co B\2-5th SFG

SSG M. Jaeger

  • 18C Special Forces Engineer Sergeant
  • Combat Element
  • Posts: 1165
Public Server Default Map
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2021, 05:31:39 PM »
The current public server map in play is Sahrani. [/b][/i] If it's not showing up by default, I'll get that changed ASAP.  The majority of those who contributed to the poll requested Tembelan Island to be the next default map when Sahrani is complete.  I'm working on the Tembelan Island overhaul now and hope to have it bug-free (ish) and ready in time.

CPL M. Jaeger
S4 Mods/Public Servers
Engineer Sergeant, ODA 5221, Co B\2-5th SFG