Author Topic: Liberation Roche - What's different about v1.1?  (Read 4231 times)

SSG M. Jaeger

  • 18C Special Forces Engineer Sergeant
  • Combat Element
  • Posts: 1165
Liberation Roche - What's different about v1.1?
« on: July 06, 2021, 09:21:30 AM »
506th's Liberation Roche v1.1 has been uploaded to the public server and set as the default map for now. 

To improve play and keep things fresh and challenging, Roche v1.1 includes the following changes.

-The enemy can hear you yelling out to 100-200 meters, and will be alerted.  Whispering and using the radio (radio volume doesn't matter) until you go loud will help with surprise.
-If enemy alert levels are low (green), you are most likely only to encounter dismounted forces, GAZs, Urals with troops and HIPs with paratroopers.  Once the enemy alert levels are raised (not green), expect armor and more air.
-Enemy force spawning has been somewhat overhauled, decreasing the chances of swarms of tanks or aircraft in battlegroups (aka QRFs, aka counterattacks).  Executing FOB hunts whenever you have enough intel points will help you get objectives faster (but still be challenged).
-Enemy forces are using mines and some booby traps.  These as fairly rare, and are either marked minefields or small point defensive minefields.  Mine detectors and red spray paint are you friends.
-Some objectives include bridges.  You'll likely need to be able to attack both ends, like an IRL bridge seizure. 
-Unique atmospherics have been added, such as an old nuclear bunker site, a suspected mass grave/execution site, and an air defense headquarters.
-You will be more able to "live off the land" as there are small enemy caches and more vehicles at enemy at some locations.
-Since there is no aircraft carrier, your respawnable (is that a word?) aircraft at ops base include Potato (as usual) and one Littlebird.
-Server restarts will happen every 6 hours.  It's helped quite a bit, and you'll get plenty of warning ahead of time.

-Minor bugs: We are still working out some minor bugs, such as purchased infantry sometimes disappearing between sessions.  All other purchases will stay in place.

Bottom Line:  Play is still challenging (and has been beta tested by unit members), but involves more than just the "storm the next town" play of previous days.

Enjoy and get savage!
CPL M. Jaeger
« Last Edit: July 06, 2021, 09:25:32 AM by CPL M. Jaeger »
Engineer Sergeant, ODA 5221, Co B\2-5th SFG