New Recruit Processed by CW2 W. Woods
Applicant Name - Dan Vincent
Applicant Display Name - RCT D. Vincent
Applicant Discord Name - MrMan
Applicant Discord ID - 226181297502945282
Applicant Website Profile -;area=summary;u=20322Applicant Platform - Xbox
Applicant Xbox ID - xDanDoDirtx
Desired Billet - Rifleman
Recruits AnswersHow long have you been playing Arma?On and off since Operation Flashpoint came out, just got back into Arma when reforger released on console.
How did you hear about the 506th?I found your unit through Bohemia's unit search
Why do you want to join the 506th?I desire to join a community that plays the game the way it is meant to be played, looking for comraderie, and to scratch the milsim itch.