New Recruit Processed by CW3 W. Woods
Applicant Name - David Mathis
Applicant Display Name - RCT D. Mathis
Applicant Discord Name - IRO
Applicant Discord ID - 444227211667570698
Applicant Website Profile -;area=summary;u=20379Applicant Platform - Steam
Applicant Platform ID - 76561198064719158
Recruits AnswersHow long have you been playing Arma?I’ve been playing arma for 5 almost 6 yesrs
How did you hear about the 506th?YouTube
Why do you want to join the 506th?I’d like to eventually fly the Blackhawk ive always been a crew chief or door gunner for the Blackhawk however I’ve been working on flying. Though I have little hours on Arma Reforger I have around 600 on Arma 3 working with aviation.
Desired Billet
11B Rifleman