New Recruit Processed by SFC Lowe
Applicant Name - Jack Donovan
Applicant Display Name - RCT Donovan
Applicant Discord Name - ValhallaVenture
Applicant Discord ID - 254817595700674560
Applicant Website Profile -;area=summary;u=20392Applicant Platform - Steam
Applicant Platform ID - 76561198263968176
Desired Billets: 11B Rifleman
Recruits AnswersHow long have you been playing Arma?6+ years.
How did you hear about the 506th?i head about yall on a Youtube live
Why do you want to join the 506th?i have been looking for a reforger milsim and i feel like i would fit in here, however i do have a deep voice and yall might think im using a voice changer but im not, its hard for me to fit into places and i hope i can here, i have past skills and experience from past milsims, i am dedicated too so i would be around alot.