Author Topic: AWOL in Ops  (Read 4679 times)


  • Posts: 19
AWOL in Ops
« on: September 17, 2015, 07:01:46 AM »
What if we can't attend a saturday and sunday ops... Should we ask permission.. And what if we are AWOL is there a punishment?


  • Posts: 52
Re: AWOL in Ops
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2015, 07:20:04 AM »
You are slotted to attend either a Saturday or a Sunday op, not both, depending on your squad. For example, Jackal 1-2 (my current squad) runs Sunday, but my availability Sunday is horrible. I informed everyone in my medical and combat CoC that there may be times where I either bug out early or don't show up for Sunday operations due to a legitimate issue. If you have a real excuse, send a PM up your chain and nothing bad happens, it's just an excused absence. Of course, a ton of excused absences also raise questions, but if it's all honest-to-god, then it's all green. Unexcused is if you do not notify anyone, or as you said "AWOL". "AWOL" is more when the unit doesn't know you are here at all. From my understanding, few unexcused absences start with a Time in Grade reset, followed by a demotion, followed by a boot. A ton of excused may earn you a space in the Reserves platoon but I don't think they grant the boot for legit missing stuff. We all have lives, and we have active duty here as well, so everyone understands that at any given time, something could come down and next thing you know, we gotta be gone (a good example is i thought i had a PT test at 0300 on a Monday, so i'd miss a Sunday op, but ended up being a hoax).

TL;DR -- can't attend for a legit reason? Send a PM to your first line leader


  • Posts: 19
Re: AWOL in Ops
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2015, 07:35:17 AM »
What if you have saturday ops and you attended it.. But you still want some missions are you allowed to attend sunday ops??


  • Posts: 52
Re: AWOL in Ops
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2015, 07:38:20 AM »
If you are available on op day, you run the op. From a 506th perspective, there should be no missions conducted during the op time. Op days are every other weekend, and last about 2 hours in the evening, so there's plenty of day to get missions done.


  • Posts: 19
Re: AWOL in Ops
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2015, 07:44:51 AM »
I appreciate all the answers. Thanks


  • Posts: 52
Re: AWOL in Ops
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2015, 08:19:17 AM »
Not a problem, hope I was accurate, perhaps when highers read it they can attest to the items.
If you got anything else hmu on the chat system, i'll help out any way I can.

SSG (Ret) Swift

  • 11B Infantryman
  • Retired
  • Posts: 328
Re: AWOL in Ops
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2015, 02:52:10 PM »
Assuming you are going in as an 11B Infantryman. Once you complete Recruit training and OSUT you will be assigned to one of the Infantry Platoons. Four of the Platoons have Operations on Sundays and One has its Operation on Saturday. First and Third weekends of the month Alpha Company has their Operations, one on Saturday and two on Sunday. Second and Fourth weekends Bravo Company has it's Operations both on Sunday. If for example you are assigned to 2nd Platoon, Bravo Company the only Operation you must attend or be excused from is their's which is on a Sunday. The only Operation you can not attend would be 1st Platoon, Bravo Company due to it being at the same time as 2nd Platoons. The other Operations if you wish to attend them just hang around in team speak before the operation and see if they call for fill ins in global chat. On top of Operations there are trainings you must attend as well. Basically if its something you must attend inform your CoC if you aren't able to make it. If you have too many unexcused absences you will typically be given a warning and if it continues you simply get sent to reserves to free your spot up for someone who wants to be here. If you are absent a lot with excuse you can be sent to reserves as well. 
