Author Topic: Need help with mods  (Read 2757 times)

D. Goodman

  • Posts: 1
Need help with mods
« on: July 26, 2016, 07:03:19 PM »
I watched the video and I am still a bit confused. I have always been terrible when it comes to downloading mods for games, but anyways I use Arma 3 Sync and I noticed that the guy in the video did not. How exactly does Arma 3 load up the mods without sync and are we allowed to use sync to load the mods?

Also can anyone help me with TFAR, I move @task_force_radio out of the main folder so it is by itself and I moved the userconfig that was in the original TFAR folder to the original userconfig folder that already existed. Did I do that right?



  • Posts: 755
Re: Need help with mods
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2016, 11:05:03 PM »
When you start Arma 3 the Launcher pops up instead of hitting play, go to mods and import all the mod folders from your Arma 3 directory; select "Local mod" then locate your Arma 3 folder and select the folders you would like in the Launcher. It will be a much easier process for you now as well as in the future to simply use the default Arma 3 Launcher that is provided.

As for the latter question, I'm not sure which "main folder" you're referring to, so I'll go through the steps:
(All found in the TFAR download)
  • From the compressed TFAR folder you downloaded, move the mod "@task_force_radio" into your Arma 3 Directory
  • Move the "task_force_radio" under "userconfig" into your corresponding userconfig in your directory
  • Go into "Teamspeak 3 Client">"plugins">"radio-sounds" (get ready to use this)
  • Now access your file location for the actual Teamspeak 3 program
Should look like this:

Select "plugins" folder
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Make note of "radio-sounds" , "win64.dll" , "win32.dll"
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The 2 .dll files are found under the downloaded "plugins" folder we took from.

After this is complete just ensure you get in Teamspeak and follow order: Settings>plugins>check box for TFAR>close

Hope it helps.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2016, 11:07:27 PM by CPL Leeds »