Author Topic: Key Binding advice for a new recruit  (Read 4060 times)


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Key Binding advice for a new recruit
« on: September 24, 2016, 02:09:28 PM »

I have recently created my new ArmA character and swapped to the official 506th mods in preparation for beginning my training, however when I came to test out the new character and mods I noticed that many of my original key-bindings had altered and there are now more actions to have keys bound to them. I'm aware of how to alter my key-binding to suit my own preferences, although I would truly appreciate any advice regarding which "actions" are commonly used by 506th servicemen/women (especially actions which one may not use so often in a public server).
Any screenshots of a member's own key-bindings would be very helpful indeed.

I wish to become familiar with my new layout as much as possible before starting my official training.

Many thanks, RCT A. Blake


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Re: Key Binding advice for a new recruit
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2016, 02:49:45 PM »
Throw action: Gx2

My Preference:
Switch to Primary: 1
Switch to Secondary: 2
Compass: 4  -- Toggle: 4x2
LAlt + G: Check Ammo
LShift + G: Clear Jam

I forget what it's called, I think "Next Optics State" in your configure addons under your controls. It will be flipping your magnifier(3x) (if equipped) to the side, switching to your Close Optic (1x). By default it is: "LCtrl + /" (forward slash on your numpad). Since this takes your virtual finger off your trigger guard, which is something you never want to do. I have changed mine to LAlt + X. This has done wonders for me; but again preference.


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Re: Key Binding advice for a new recruit
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2016, 03:14:30 PM »
Thank you for the guidance Corporal!
I very much like the "G x 2" tip.. I remember when ArmA 3 Alpha launched they had changed the "open gear" key binding from G to I and replaced G with the throw action; many a negligent frag was dropped in public server spawn areas  ::)

SPC (Ret) Wachter

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Re: Key Binding advice for a new recruit
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2016, 03:29:09 PM »
I switched my leaning keys to make it easier to lean and move for CQB. I also have a gaming mouse, so some of the more obscure keybindings are still easy to use with the mouse. Here are my commonly used actions that I have on my mouse:

Radio (both main and additional channel)
Change optic setting (2 different keybindings work, which one is applicable depends on the optic, so I just keep both ready to go)
Switch grenade type
Night vision
Range and Azimuth on Vectors
Weapon Safety
Laser On/Off and Laser mode switch


  • Posts: 13
Re: Key Binding advice for a new recruit
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2016, 03:58:45 PM »
Thank you Private, this is all good advice and I'm taking notes. I certainly should rebind my "change grenade type" to a more user friendly key than the default Ctrl+G binding.

Great help, guys... I'm feeling more prepared already

SGT (Ret) C. Wright

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Re: Key Binding advice for a new recruit
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2016, 04:03:10 PM »
In reference to the grenade swapping. If you are someone like myself the standard bind is nice 6 controls swaps between frags and stuns, while 7 controls my different colored smoke. The quick access to smoke change is key for me as a 240 gunner. I do run a Razer Naga so that all number binds are at quick access without every moving my keyboard hand.


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Re: Key Binding advice for a new recruit
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2016, 01:21:32 PM »
In reference to the grenade swapping. If you are someone like myself the standard bind is nice 6 controls swaps between frags and stuns, while 7 controls my different colored smoke. The quick access to smoke change is key for me as a 240 gunner.

Noted, Private!
I hope to train as 11B Machine Gunner myself, so maybe I should consider that option also.

Thank you very much for the brilliant advice.

SSG (Ret) Madsen

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Re: Key Binding advice for a new recruit
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2016, 04:36:13 PM »
i wouldnt advise keybinding anything to the same button that you have grenades keybound to, even if you have to click something else, Basic safety.

I would advise you key the 'point' action to something (The action where you point something up and a circle shows up where you point) It is pretty handy in a variety of situations.


  • Posts: 13
Re: Key Binding advice for a new recruit
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2016, 06:48:53 PM »
Thank you, Private Madsen

I will ensure my frags key is safe. Also will make a point of binding a point key.

Everyone's advice is fully appreciated.

CW2 (Ret) O'Neill

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Re: Key Binding advice for a new recruit
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2016, 05:06:40 PM »
First advise I'd give is make it comfortable, logical, and functional. There's probably a couple dozen controls I never use simply because I don't need them to perform.

As my comrades have said, it is highly recommended to bind your grenade button to 2xG or whatever your preferred grenade key is. I don't do this but I'm good at not "bad fragging".

I play on a shitty laptop that doesn't even have a Numpad so I've had to do a lot to fit all my controls into not a lot of space.

My own keys include:
Y as switch 1st/3rd person
Z as prone
X as crouch
U as Zeus/team switch
C as change to combat pace
2xLCTRL to raise/lower weapon
Caps Lock as my primary radio
Tab as my additional radio
F11 as my TeamSpeak Mic On/Off (I use voice activation)
F as switch fire mode
LCTRL+F as my switch optic key
LCTRL+L as my light/laser switch
- as my weapon safety
0 as holster weapon
1 as primary weapon
2 as sidearm weapon
3 as launcher weapon
G as throw grenade
LCTRL+G switch grenade
/ as chat
, as Channel 1
. as Channel 2
4 as Channel 3
5 as Channel 4
6 as Channel 5
T as vector range
LCTRL+T as vector degree
Shift+T as check ammo
LALT+T as clear jam

Most of my other controls are fairly default. Hope any of this could help.


  • Posts: 13
Re: Key Binding advice for a new recruit
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2016, 09:10:33 AM »
Thank you SGT O'Neill
I'll be sure to take note of your extensive advice.
This is a real help.