Author Topic: Setting Triggers while playing Zeus  (Read 4031 times)

CW4 Stowe

  • 153A Rotary Wing Aviator
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Setting Triggers while playing Zeus
« on: December 18, 2017, 12:59:43 PM »
Good morning,

While playing around with the Reinforcement option in Zeus I found the AI helicopter pilots fly entirely too high so I want to know if its possible to set a trigger where I can use the command "flyInHeightASL" for the helo insert/extract?

I am also curious as to why the AI pilots do not RTB as instructed once they have unloaded their troops.


Reserve Platoon, 1-506 Infantry

1st Lt (Ret) Hardman

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Re: Setting Triggers while playing Zeus
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2017, 10:40:11 PM »
While playing around with the Reinforcement option in Zeus I found the AI helicopter pilots fly entirely too high so I want to know if its possible to set a trigger where I can use the command "flyInHeightASL" for the helo insert/extract?

No, you can't place triggers while in Zeus.
I believe, however, that if you Alt+drag down a bird, it will stay at it's new height.
Alternatively, build your template with that trigger in place for where you want the reinforcement flights to run

I am also curious as to why the AI pilots do not RTB as instructed once they have unloaded their troops.

I have not experienced this - I've never had an issue with them flying out.
However, if I recall correctly, the option is "RTB and despawn" - so maybe they are de-spawning before you check back at base?
Also, if the pilot is killed it will trigger the despawn early - despawning the whole flight
1st Lt, USAF

CW4 Stowe

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Re: Setting Triggers while playing Zeus
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2017, 10:54:19 PM »
Thanks for the information.

Reserve Platoon, 1-506 Infantry

1LT (Ret) Burke

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Re: Setting Triggers while playing Zeus
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2017, 09:58:01 AM »
They should RTB and despawn but the AI can get a little fucky when they're being engaged by ground forces.  In my experience they don't deal well with hot LZ's.  Ground AI also get pretty pants on head retarded when enemy air assets are flying around too.

SFC (Ret) M. Brewer

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Re: Setting Triggers while playing Zeus
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2017, 11:28:05 AM »
They should RTB and despawn but the AI can get a little fucky when they're being engaged by ground forces.  In my experience they don't deal well with hot LZ's.  Ground AI also get pretty pants on head retarded when enemy air assets are flying around too.

This.  My short experience Zeusing so far has shown me that AI on the ground, even guys with just AK's or rifles want stop doing what they are told to do in order to shoot at any aircraft that are in an AO.  Even when AI are set to "Safe" aircraft overhead will put them into "Combat" mode and they will start shooting at aircraft.  That's one of the big reasons that Aviation has to stand off at over 1000m because the AI are pretty determined to take out aerial threats by any means possible.  Except when they don't....which happens a lot too...

I really wish that Bohemia or someone would do something to make the AI less retarded in the game.  It seems like such a simple thing for you to set a waypoint and have them go somewhere but then they go the exact opposite direction or just stand frozen in place.  It's infuriating when you're trying to have a mission go a particular way.  The Ares mod has helped a lot but damn, the AI in Arma are just so stupid sometimes. 


CW4 Stowe

  • 153A Rotary Wing Aviator
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Re: Setting Triggers while playing Zeus
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2017, 04:19:38 PM »
Thanks for all of your replies.  I was basically playing around with the Zeus Reinforcement option and was seeing some odd (albeit unavoidable) actions/reaction by the AI ground and air assets.  In short, I setup an AI base that was guarded by 2x Inf Squads, 1x MG Squad, and 1x AT team that was to be reinforced after 5 minutes with 1x Mi-24 with 1x Inf SQD (with an RP) to reinforce the defending enemy troops.  Then, another 1x Mi-8 with 1x Inf SQD after 5 minutes and then a final 1x Mi-24 with 1x Inf SQD 2 minutes after that.

The BLUFOR AI assault force consisted of 1x PLT of 4x SQD's attacking the base from the 7 o'clock, 9 o'clock, and 11 o'clock directions with the 4th sqd attacking 5 minutes into the battle. from the 7 o'clock direction.

The reason I wanted to manage the AI reinforcement insertions is the terrain would have allowed cover for the airframe if they had stayed below 30m but they fly in at contour elevation and then flare high just before landing and are engaged by BLUFOR.  This of course confirms you all's msgs about the pilots acting erratically eventually landing and dropping off the troops.  I was happy the Mi-24 engage the BLUFOR during ingress and egress after dropping the troops off, but the Mi-24 stayed around and continued to engage far too close and was shot down.

The Mi-8 did some crazy stuff when flying into the LZ when BLUFOR began shooting at it but eventually unloaded and RTB.

The final Mi-24 took fire from BLUFOR during ingress so it kept engaging BLUFOR and was eventually shot down with a hard landing that injured/killed crew and dismounts.  Needless to say, BLUFOR easily cleaned up those enemy troops.

BLUFOR ultimately took a beating from the 2x Mi-24's but was successful.  It was a fun experiment with me trying to learn more about zeus...

Reserve Platoon, 1-506 Infantry