Author Topic: Questions about the unit  (Read 2598 times)


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Questions about the unit
« on: August 10, 2018, 03:24:51 PM »

   I am interested in joining the unit but have a few concerns.
First of all, I am currently serving in the air force. I fly C-130s. So my availability may be altered from time to time. So I'm curious what the rules are for attendance?

Secondly, does this unit require actual military customs and courtesies, as far as speaking to someone by rank/name? (Disregard, I believe it does. Was hoping this wasn't the case. I have to do that all day at work)

And lastly, I am interested in a TACP role, and found there's a couple filled slots. Do these roles actually get out into the combat with the infantryman?

I have plenty of time in arma, so I'm not worried about anything related to gameplay.

Thank you,

1LT J. W. Sullivan

  • 11A Infantry Officer
  • Combat Element
  • Posts: 413
Re: Questions about the unit
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2018, 03:42:15 PM »
First of all, I am currently serving in the air force. I fly C-130s. So my availability may be altered from time to time. So I'm curious what the rules are for attendance?

As a member of the 506th, there are mandatory training sessions that take place.  This is dependent on which MOS/Squad you join.  For example, a standard 11B infantryman is required to attend weekly Squad Training, Bi-Weekly FTX/Operations, and one Platoon Training per month.  That being said, we understand real life happens, and if you are unable to attend one of these events, you must notify your CoC prior to the event.  If you tend to be absent more than active, you can be administratively placed in Reserves and removed from your billet due to low attendance.

Secondly, does this unit require actual military customs and courtesies, as far as speaking to someone by rank/name? (Disregard, I believe it does. Was hoping this wasn't the case. I have to do that all day at work)

For this, I will quote you a section in our General Policies and Procedures manual:

"Members are to address others by their rank and observe military decorum in cases of:
Official Operations, Unit Events, and Joint Operations
Official Trainings and Field Training Exercises (FTXs)
Discussing official unit business in person or via private message
Upon entering a room where members are present and in conversation"

And lastly, I am interested in a TACP role, and found there's a couple filled slots. Do these roles actually get out into the combat with the infantryman?

While typically our TACP's aren't kicking in doors with the rest of the infantry, every member of the 506th is an infantryman first.  That being said, there have been plenty of times Dagger (call sign for TACP) has found themselves in close quarters combat.  However, their role is to provide reconnaissance and effective support to the Task Force Commander via close air support and fire missions when necessary.

Hope this helps answer some of your questions.
Reserve Platoon, 1-506 Infantry

MSgt Minatozaki

  • 1Z371 Tactical Air Control Party
  • Combat Element
  • Posts: 1094
Re: Questions about the unit
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2018, 05:09:07 PM »
And lastly, I am interested in a TACP role, and found there's a couple filled slots. Do these roles actually get out into the combat with the infantryman?

As a TACP in the unit, I can tell you SGT J. W. Sullivan is accurate with his description and we don't typically kick doors down or take point unless absolutely necessary. That being said however you usually are with the Task Force Commander and they love their kicked doors, so you will get a fair bit of action during an FTX/Operation, especially near the beginning of an assault into an objective. Dagger is primarily a support role (along with the 74th Fighter Squadron (Fixed-wing) and Delta Company (Rotary)) tasked with controlling CAS and fire missions to Havoc 4 (Mortars).

Just to clarify as well, the entirety of Dagger(TACP) includes 3x JTACs and 3x UAV Operators. Currently there are no spots open in Dagger, however if you're interested in joining in the future, your best bet is to work your way up to E-3/4 and apply for the UAV Operator billet. UAV Operators are the first ones offered an open JTAC spot before applications are posted to the entire unit. They are also trained as a JTAC in case a billeted one is unavailable. Previous unit leadership billets (Fireteam Leader/Squad Leader, etc.) are also looked at in your application.

To answer your other questions quickly, you are expected to join a weekly squad training and monthly platoon training. FTX/Operations are everyone other week depending on your platoon (Havoc 1: First and third Sunday, Havoc 2: Second and fourth Sunday, Havoc 3: Second and fourth Saturday, all at 2000EST). If you are absent for too many unit events you may want to look at joining the reserves, which will allow you to fill-in for any unit events given there is a need for people to fill absent/empty billets.

As for addressing ranks and military courtesy, to add onto what SGT J. W. Sullivan said, it's a good rule of thumb to use ranks when possible.

Hoped this helped. If you have any more questions, feel free to message me or find me on Teamspeak.

Respectfully Submitted,
TSgt Minatozaki
Recruiting Office Detachment Personnel
Reserve Platoon, 1-506 Infantry