Congratulations SSG Beard. I didn't roll with you too often but it great to hear you come out on top legally. I had a woman make accusations of me that ruined a 17 year career in public safety...I can relate. And during my divorce my ex had a kid with another dude and tried to pin child support on me. She was a real peach...
Enjoy your singleness. Enjoy your freedom. Each one of us is one mistake away from losing my case I got re-married so there ya go. I'm an idiot.
Seriously though, drop some money on a frickin kick ass PC. When you fire that bad boy up, sit back and reflect on what you've been through. It will be one of the sweetest moments in your life. You're so right about the community here. Although I've been out for awhile, if I needed these guys I know they'd be there for me even though I've never met any of them in person. Pretty amazing thing when you think about it.
Take care Beard.
Ya know...I hear they've got this thing called Tinder that you can get on your phone...not that I know anything about how it works...I just hear stuff.