If there is already a suggestion thread for the Public Server, please feel free to point it out and I will move my post there.
*In the past we had the F/A-18 on the carrier. We had an F/A-18E (solo seater) and an F/A-18F (Tandem so someone could fly and operate air-to-air weapons while the other uses air-to-ground weapons.). I don't know how others feel about this, but I liked the option of flying with someone else with the F model. It was cool to work together and not have to worry about both.
*Is there a way to respawn lightning and thunder if their are shot down/destroyed? It would be cool to have a way to bring them back.
*It would be nice to have a truck at the FOB to rearm the aircraft. We have the refueling truck, but no rearm truck that I am aware of. If there is one, how do we get it there?