Author Topic: Public Server - Working Liberation Maps/Templates  (Read 4248 times)

SSG M. Jaeger

  • 18C Special Forces Engineer Sergeant
  • Combat Element
  • Posts: 1165
Public Server - Working Liberation Maps/Templates
« on: June 22, 2021, 08:55:09 AM »
To avoid confusion and frustration, the public server has been cleaned up to remove dysfunctional and problematic maps.  If you see a Liberation template available on the server -- it has been tested or has no issues that we are aware of.  The following Liberation maps/templates are working and available on the public server. 

-506th Tembelan Island (current/new default)
           Note: "506th" denotes that the KP template has been cleaned, revised and/or improved.
-506th Chernarus Autumn
-506th Chernarus Winter
-506th Sahrani (last played map)
-506th GOS Al Rayak (this is not your father's Al Rayak)
-506th Liberation Roche (added 25JUN21)
-KP Liberation Enoch
-KP Liberation Malden
-KP Liberation Altis

Note: there are several other templates being worked on to get them revised and cleaned up for better play & performance.  They will be added to the server once done and tested.

If you discover issues, please post them in this thread: and ensure you read the thread's instructions.

You may as a player, change maps at will (as admin), however, the setting of the default template will be based on popular request.  This is based on the significant positive feedback I've received on the use of polls to pick "next default map/template". 
   How to change maps temporarily:

CPL M. Jaeger
S4 Mods/Public Servers

« Last Edit: June 25, 2021, 10:27:51 PM by CPL M. Jaeger »
Engineer Sergeant, ODA 5221, Co B\2-5th SFG

SSG M. Jaeger

  • 18C Special Forces Engineer Sergeant
  • Combat Element
  • Posts: 1165
Re: Public Server - Working Liberation Maps/Templates
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2021, 10:27:16 PM »
List in first post has been updated to add "506th Liberation Roche v 1.0"
Engineer Sergeant, ODA 5221, Co B\2-5th SFG