Author Topic: Processed Applicant Hans Bauer  (Read 155 times)

Capt Crow

  • 11F3B Fighter Pilot
  • Aviation Element
  • Posts: 513
Processed Applicant Hans Bauer
« on: February 04, 2025, 08:00:10 PM »
New Recruit Processed by Capt Crow

Applicant Name - Hans Bauer
Applicant Display Name - RCT. Bauer
Applicant Discord Name - Bauer
Applicant Discord ID - 398298930422611968
Applicant Website Profile -;area=summary;u=20331
Applicant Platform - Steam
Applicant Steam ID - 76561198985854037
Desired Billet - Medic

Recruits Answers
How long have you been playing Arma?
1 month

How did you hear about the 506th?
through my friend "Bare", who is also a streamer,

Why do you want to join the 506th?
I've always played action games (BF, COD, SQAD, HLL) but lately I've been looking for something immersive.
Capt, USAF
Detachment Commander, 23rd Wing\74th Det

Capt Crow

  • 11F3B Fighter Pilot
  • Aviation Element
  • Posts: 513
Re: Processed Applicant Hans Bauer
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2025, 08:00:34 PM »
Applicant Processed - 04 Feb 25
Capt, USAF
Detachment Commander, 23rd Wing\74th Det