Author Topic: INSCOM IR - Found Intelligence: OPFOR Detention Facility - OP Vault, Fallujah  (Read 272 times)

1LT J. N. Lee

  • 11A Infantry Officer
  • Combat Element
  • Posts: 1773


25 December 2024

(S) Found Intelligence: OPFOR Detention Facility - OP Vault, Fallujah

(U) Administrative

All acronyms utilized in the following brief are proactively defined and utilized strictly for the streamlining of text and characters. All acronyms in the following report are defined/transcribed in full upon initial use and then abbreviated for subsequent use. The "Spoilers" marked part below contains utilized acronyms/abbreviations and their definitions and is closed simply to condense report size.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

(S) During Operation Desert Fury (ODF) 03-25 Task Force Bravo (TFB), Broadsword 1 secured COP OCEAN [GRIDREF 079008], which contained several sensitive electronics and servers with valuable intelligence from the Sons of Al-Karbouli (SoAK).

Fig. 1: Electronics and servers found within COP OCEAN

(S) During ODF 04-25 Task Force Charlie (TFC), Stalker 1 secured additional sensitive electronics and servers with valuable intelligence from POI 1 [GRIDREF 058048] - a SoAK training compound disguised as a civilian lumber mill.

Fig. 2: Electronics and servers found within POI 1

(S) The data recovery process has been time consuming due to the varying degrees of damage suffered by the devices, either due to being in close proximity to the fighting or due to OPFOR sabotage. While the SoAK are inexperienced in data encryption and security methods, they have become more rigorous in their communications security (COMSEC) after noticing our previous intelligence gathering efforts, notably after the Fallujah College of Medicine was secured by BLUFOR.

(S) Recovered intelligence strongly suggests that the SoAK has seen their volunteer recruitment pool drastically reduced after their recent losses, an indication that the wider population is losing confidence in their ability to achieve their objectives and resist BLUFOR through direct armed conflict. As a result, the SoAK has opted for more coercive methods - blackmail, holding hostages, torture - to maintain a healthy fighting force. Various small villages across the Al-Anbar Governorate have already seen large percentages of their populations decimated, abducted or killed as a result: the village of Rahman [GRIDREF 014048] now sits empty, and the village of Gojir [GRIDREF 004070] lies in ruins.

Fig. 3: Recovered photo of SoAK torture room

(S) While the SoAK operates in smaller individual cells, meta data from recovered media files points towards the Al-Mansoori Industrial Complex [GRIDREF 007026], hereby designated as OP Vault, as a centralised detention facility, where many civilians are still being held either as hostages to keep active fighters in line, or as "trainees", to serve in disposable positions in the future, such as suicide bombers and front line fighters. The compound, like many others near Fallujah, has been a relief distribution and gathering point for many civilians fleeing from the heavy fighting within the city. The chaos of the civil war has kept the Iraqi Armed Forces (IAF) busy, and the SoAK has seized the opportunity to infiltrate the compound and take over. Since the events within the Fallujah College of Medicine, many civilians who have managed to stay out of reach of the SoAK have fled the compound and the surrounding buildings, which are now likely also under the control of the SoAK, to return to the city.

Fig. 4: Satellite image of OP Vault (bottom-left) and nearby buildings

(S) S-2 Comment: S-2 strongly suggests HHC/506 prioritise securing OP Vault as a short-term objective, to emancipate any remaining civilian prisoners, and to deny the SoAK of a vital strongpoint.

Original Classifying Authority: 1-506th S-2 Intelligence
Classified By: 1LT J.N. Lee
Reason: 1.4(a), (c), (d)
Declassify On: 20491225


The entirety of this document represents fictional works of the 506th Infantry Regiment Realism Unit, S-2 Intelligence Shop, developed for use within the Arma Reforger military simulation video game, and exists purely for entertainment and educational purposes only. The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2025, 12:26:23 PM by 1LT J. N. Lee »
Platoon Leader, Co A\1-506 Infantry