I sent this message to MSG De Leo - but I figured it would not hurt to repost it here... thanks in advance for any information you can provide.
I am interested in joining the 506th but I have a few questions for you first, if you don't mind. 1) I understand the training timelines, however- after training is completed, what sort of time commitments do you require? I really want to have a realistic environment to play in when I do play, but I also realize that I may not be available to play as often as you might require. 2) I was in the real 506th (4 BCT / 101 AD) for a few years during my time in the Army and did tactical intel. I really enjoyed the overwatch aspect and keeping everyone apprised on the current situation. Are there chances to do anything similar in the simulation environment? I have spent some decent time in-game becoming a proficient marksman from a distance, so perhaps a sniper or spotter type of role? 3) Does the 506th do mostly COOP missions against AI as missions or force-on-force training?