Rant trigger: Every time I watched NCIS I wanted to punch the TV. Not at all what it is like, but the reality was sometimes more fun and sometimes much worse. Doing an interrogation for 14 hours and eventually having the scum bag act out how he sexually abused two toddlers and an infant while trying not to kill him is disastrous on your soul. Actually all the child crime was heart breaking, the amount of "accidental" child deaths, child molestation and CP that come from the Army was mind blowing. The crime lab was a big one that always made me mad because I wish it was like on t.v. When we sent evidence off to the lab (BECAUSE NO ONE HAS AN ON SITE LAB!) we wouldn't see results for months. Each agent had about 7-15 active cases they were working at a time and you rotated duty week per team and we only had two teams for GC so we were picking up new cases every other week. Shit was brutal, almost cost my marraige. I think one of the worst parts about that show is every time I saw my dad he would smack me on the back of the head while saying "DiNozzo!". Not funny after the first 50 times. All in all some great stories and I wish I was still in LE, but it was a rough job.