Erzikistan Strikes
Dateline – 04 April, 2016
A Labor Union Strike in Erzikistan
Due to the failing Erzikistani economy, several labor unions across the country, including Erzikistan's only major steel manufacturer, have begun going on strike to protest the low wages. Theses strikes, however, will only cause the already floundering economy to crash and burn. With the production of steel coming to a grinding halt, the creation of machinery and transport equipment, the two main exports out of Erzikistan, will also cease, creating even grater economic instability. When asked about how the government is going to deal with the crisis, Erzikistan's Prime Minister Bartu Akkas said:
With a heavy heart, I must inform the world that Erzikistan will be withdrawing from NATO as we can no longer commit funds to the cause. We will be putting this money into the pockets of the steel workers to try and get our economy back up and running.
Erzikistani government officials have also continued to bargain with Iran for more energy in a continuing effort to aid the economy. The head of "Erzikistani Steel Production" and leader of the strike, Onder Sezen, has protested the Iranian energy deals and has instead turned to Russia for help.
Alan White - International Times
*This news report is a fictional work to support the 506th ARMA gameplay