ArmA is being ArmA on me, didn't work how it should be.
Since today I deleted ArmA, installed it again, tried to load into the Havoc 1 Server, but I was getting this error while loading in:
0x0000005 - STATUS_ACCES_VIOLATION ->'ve loaded all the basic mods in order, each one by one to see which mod was giving trouble.
As so far, I'm stuck on the @RHSSAF mod. I deleted it, downloaded it again, put it where it should be.
But when ArmA is starting up, it looks like it's running smoothly, untill it shut down and brings up the Error (Indicated above)
Now I've been searching on the web about this, and found something about 'Malloc' -> tried that, all 3 options but still getting the same error.
I really could use some help.. I got Tuesday my 2nd day of OSUT and I'm afraid if I cant get it to work how it was before I will miss my second day.
If there are known solutions but don't work / no known fixes/solutions I will try again to get a full Uninstall, and deleting everything from ArmA 3 on my hardware with an fully re-install of Windows 10.....