Author Topic: News Article - Pro-Russian Separatists Takeover  (Read 462 times)

1LT J. N. Lee

  • 11A Infantry Officer
  • Combat Element
  • Posts: 1554
News Article - Pro-Russian Separatists Takeover
« on: May 16, 2024, 09:25:52 PM »

Text version:

Chisinau International

May 05th, 2024

Pro-Russian Separatists Takeover

Today, Pro Russian forces are believed to have occupied key areas of Korsak and Zimnitrita – Moldova's eastern provinces. These forces, believed to be hardcore Amic party supporters, have occupied key infrastructure within both provinces and begun calling themselves Pridnestrovian Socialists Republic Force (PSRF).

Further reporting indicates that Vladislav Bulat, the founder and leader of both the Amic party and the PSRF, has proclaimed himself governor of both provinces, doing this to strengthen Moscow's influence in Southern Moldova.

Uncorroborated reporting in the provinces, has done little to clarify the situation on the ground. Reports have estimated that the PSRF have taken hold of all communications, and government infrastructure in both provinces, including most Moldovan military establishments.

Further reporting indicates that a large-scale battle erupted after regular Moldovan forces entered the city of Nozyba to reestablish the authority of Moldova there. It has been reported that this action was a response to the stand-off at the police station in Nozyba earlier today.

Unsubstantiated reports have also indicated that armed members of the Korsac and Zimnitrita Youth Forum (KZYF) have also been involved in this violent takeover.

Moldovan president, Maia Sandu has at once commented on the situation in Southern Moldova saying that Moldova and her friends would not sit back whilst this Russian supported and orchestrated takeover continues; the president immediately announced and granted herself emergency powers to crush this uncalled for and violent aggression.

US Department of State officials have called for calm and are demanding that all non-Moldovan forces stand down. A source within the Department of State said – we will do everything within our power to quash this heinous act.

Written By: SFC Lowe
Reviewed and Edited By: 1LT Jae Lee

The entirety of this document represents fictional works of the 506th Infantry Regiment Realism Unit, S-2 Intelligence Shop, developed for use within the Arma 3 and Arma Reforger military simulation video games, and exists purely for entertainment and educational purposes only. The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.
Platoon Leader, Co A\1-506 Infantry